Alexia Papavasilakis
I am an explorer, searching for the transitory places in which the echoes of personal, historic, and imagined pasts define reality. I am an artist, consciously inventing these places.
My work isconcerned themechanics of perception as definedby spaceand place. Influenced by the philosophy of Guy Bachelard, I am interested in home as a space constructed by the very memories that it molded with its physical qualities as a house. By extension of this idea, I see the storybook as a home. I conveymeaning in the form of the sequential illustrationand non-sequential fine art, often blurring the lines between the two. Remaining consistent with the exploratory nature of my practice, I utilize the live model, still life, photograph, and imagination not just as reference material, but as communication tools within figurative realism. My current body of work is manifested in graphite, charcoal, and ink. I prioritize value and line as a method for building form and atmosphere. I believe that a lot can be conveyed using these elements on their own, but the challenge of discovering just how far they can take an imageis one I enjoy.
Lucky enough to still live and practice in my childhood home, I compose its rooms into my drawings in ways that imply more than what is seen on the surface, while remaining loyal to the laws of reality. At times, I reminisce on the fish tanks that once occupied the space and reflect on them in my art as rooms of their own. Alongside this series, I have worked on a graphic novel which takes place in the imagined landscapes that my sister and I invented within the reaches of our childhood home, negotiating the perception of space rather than space itself.