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Antonia Andrioti

Antonia Andrioti



Growing up with architects, artist Antonia Andrioti found inspiration on family trips to archeological sites across Greece.
She got her BFA in Sculpture at the University of Newcastle on Tyne, England, and her MFA in Painting and Printmaking at the New York Academy of Art, where she was also awarded the Prince of Wales Fellowship, a residency for landscape painting at Forbes Castle in Normandy, France.

Moving from noisy junk yard musical instruments to baroque oil paintings of cops in tutus and self-destructive marble fertility statues, Antonia has main- tained her animated style.
She has gained experience collaborating with numerous artists, creating scenic work as well as large scale sculptures in a variety of materials.

Since 2002, her work has been exhibited in US and European galleries, as well as public festivals in New York, Pittsburgh and Athens, Greece.

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