Darryl Keith Babatunde Smith (b. 1992, Georgetown, D.C.) is a Philadelphia based artist. He earned his BFA in Painting from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and his MFA in Drawing with Anatomy from the New York Academy of Art. He has studied French, German, Latin, Ancient and Modern Greek which he uses in conjunction with his art practice. He has exhibited at Athens Art Gallery (Athens, GR), Institute of Classical Architecture and Art (New York, NY), Equity Gallery (New York, NY), Steven Zevitas Gallery (Boston, MA), Rema Hort Mann Foundation (New York, NY), and SÍM Gallery (Reykjavík, IS). Smith has held the Velvetpark Residency (2022; Brooklyn, New York) and Athena Standards Residency (2019; Athens, Greece). In 2023, he was awarded the Philadelphia Fellowship for Black artists by Mural Arts Philadelphia. Smith presently teaches Anatomy for artists at Fleisher Art Memorial.