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Delicate, fragile and sturdy. Brittle and flexible, quiet and loud.


I use paper and pencil. Paper will disappear someday, either soon or soon enough. On the other hand, pencil can smudge, fade, erase and in the end, is difficult to entirely remove.


I combine sharp line work with gentle study of light and form. Smooth scratching.


The drawings are small and as such, invite the viewer to come close to see the dance of small markings that create the whole movement. In that expense of energy, the viewer’s focus is activated thus offering back to the drawing the intent originally presented to the observer.


As to how my work fits into art tradition or history, I’m one in a multitude of people over the centuries and beyond who’ve chosen to perform the task of drawing. Making signals to suggest emotions and investigate reality.


We start making our marks from birth with whatever materials we have. A child’s hand on the parent’s shoulder, an invisible mark that can never be removed.

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